Saturday, August 27, 2022

Tumbl dried masks


So, yeah.  I've been playing around with tumblr for awhile.  I've only been posting there for a couple days but I've been lurking and browsing there since I learned about Saragirl's (of Saragirl's Sissy Confessions) blog there.  In other words... years.  I've often found provocative images there and for the last few months have (maybe a year?) have built up quite the collection of blogs to follow.  It's become quite the habit that once a week I peruse the new images they've posted and share them on the D+X discord while hanging out there too.  

I've often considered making more of a presence there, but I didn't really know what I'd use it for.  Then, while reading up on Saragirl's sad loss of her blogger blog (Damn you Google!!!!) it hit me.  I could use it for the next scale down in my writing.  Here's how I classify my writing:

  • Ongoing D+X roleplaying
    • This one character has been going on for about a decade now.  She has a long history and I consider that full history when I write about her.  
  • Stories that I post to Fictionmania
    • Most of what I have there are old stories that I'd written up as very long caps or very long obscura, but I have 'Opals and Pearls', 'Thesis', and 'It's Not Fair' there as well as one I'm currently writing (for the past year and a half) and one that I have in the strong idea stage.
  • One-off role plays
    • I haven't done this in years, but we'd play role play scenarios that last a night or maybe a few weeks.  
  • Caps
    • My bread and butter.  Or at least it used to be.  Picture with a story that's at least three or four paragraphs and sometimes more. 
  • Obscura
    • I put this below Caps even though they're often longer as I write out almost all Obscura in one go.  It's a story inspired by an image that's written and posted in quick order. 
  • And now this tumblr blog
    • These will be either image inspired ideas or incredibly short stories of a line or two.  

You see, when I'm looking through tumblr at images I'll often see them in the TG sense.  For example, let's say I come across this image:

I see the image and immediately like it.  The idea that comes is quick and easy:

Let's see, rose pedals?  Check.  Rose wine?  Check.   Candle?  Check.  Spell cast?  Check.  Now I'm going to get the woman of my dreams!  Wait... what's this small test.... oh Fuck!  I wanted the woman of my dreams not to BECOME the woman of my dreams! 

I like it.  It works.  But even for the Obscura format, it's too short.  The image is too small and it's just not worth the effort of opening up a new blog post, inserting the image, writing out the story, making an Obscura header graphic, and finally posting it.  

But it works just fine when I can click the 'reblog' button and add that story to the bottom of the image.  It takes about two seconds longer than it took to write the 'story' out.  And even if a story didn't come to mind, I could just share a line or two that gets the gyst of what I'm thinking:

Guy casting spell to get girl of his dreams but realizes it's a spell to make HIM the girl of his dreams.

So... that's what I'm going to be doing over at tumblr.  I'm going to add a link to the 'Links I enjoy' section that will connect to 'My Tumblr'.   I have absolutely no idea if this is something I'll do long term or not.  Hopefully it will inspire creative energy and not just sap it away.  

Lemme know what you think of the format.  


  1. I loved the format!!! It reminds me the old caps!! Loved it!!

  2. Hello, I see you posted this back in August, but I was coming to your Blog here to see if you had anything new and actually read this over this time. The last time I found your fictionmania stories and now Tumblr. Going to go look them over. Thank you for writing and sharing! =)
