Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Just Dance is Finished!

Two and a half years after starting it.... IT'S DONE!
I first hinted at what would end up being "Just Dance" way back in December of 2020.  With the cap 'Santa Brought His Baby Back' I mentioned I had a story idea based on the adult actress Cadey Mercury.  It was the simplest of ideas of a guy getting caught up into a dance troupe.  In April I went into more detail on my other blog about the writing problems I was having.  The fun thing is that in that post, I include most of the images I used for inspiration.  Most of the time I was writing, between December of 2020 and June of 2023, I had some or all of those images on my screen.  On Christmas of 2021 I wrote about my troubles again.  Humorously, I thought I was 1/2 or 3/4 the way done at that point... yeah, I was just barely half way done!  I go over some scene ideas there, but none of them end up in the final product.  The story just went into a different direction.  A couple months later I write another post that (at the time) was a big AH-HA moment.  I had an ending!  Yeah, I wish it was that easy.  It took until May of this year where I mentioned in a post that I was done with the story and in editing mode.  I swear, at that point I figured it would be a week or two.  

That's all along way (a very long way if you want to read all five posts worth) of saying, this took a very long time to write.  It's not like I was writing every day (or every week, or even every month!).  I'd get in the mood, write for a few hours, pick it up a few days later and write for a few more hours, and maybe repeat that three or four times... then drop it.   It'd be out of mind and I'd be done with it for weeks or months at a time.  Every time I picked it up and added more than a few sentences, I'd save another version of the file.   The last one is version 30.  If you figure an average of four hours per sitting, that would be 120 hours writing.  If I put that in every weekend, 4 hours Saturday and 4 hours Sunday, that's just under 4 months.  4 months to write!  

I was SO excited when it was done.  One reason I was excited is that I kept banging away at it.  Several times I came across an idea that I added in that needed a complete re-write of an earlier part.  The biggest is that the initial start is Andy and Merry having had sex in college.  They then have more sex while he's all femmed up.   But when I got to the part of Damon wooing Andy enfemme, I figured it would it all that much harder for our subject if he/she was a virgin.  But instead of going back and changing out all those scenes at that point, I just kept going.  I knew I could go back and edit it later.  

Yeah... editing sucks.  I started editing on April 22nd of 2023.  I kept a little notepad (digital of course) with what I'd changed.  When I was done I just saved it and opened it back up when I went back to editing.  I added the date and kept track of the number of pages, the number of words, and the file size of a text file.  The page numbers were useless as I was using spaces between the paragraphs to keep track of my progress, but the number of words changed significantly over the editing process.  Oh, and how much did I edit?  I editing on April 22, 23, and 27.  Then more on May 14 and 26.  Then on June 4, 11, 19, 22, and finally on 27.  

The word count started at 74,128 words, got as low as 73,535, and ended up at 75,538.  I know it doesn't look like a lot, but that's cutting almost 1,000 words and adding 2,000 words back in.  1,000 words is a good short story or obscura.  I cut a short story and added two back in.  Yeah, when I've been writing about this as a novel, it really IS as long as a novel!  

I have to say... I really do like this story.  I like Just Dance.  I like the characters, I like their journeys, I feel that most of this could happen except for a few minor "that's future tech" moments.  I especially thing the changes the main character goes through could happen.  I ended up giving it an X rating.  It's not sex from beginning to end, but there is quite a bit of sex toward the end of the story.  If you're going into it for the feminization fable, then I think you'll enjoy it but wonder why its so sex heavy.  If you're going into it for the sex, I think you'll like those parts and be upset at how long it takes me to get there.  And if you want both a good feminization fable AND some sexy sexy parts... well, I think you'll love it to!  

The last thing I did last night was to cut the whole story into pieces.  I figured I wanted them to be about 50k in length.  At least when I read stories on Fictionmania, that's the sweet spot for me for a single sitting.  With my page/word count, a rough division would be 18 pages per chapter.  So I went down to page 18 then back pedaled until I came to a good breaking point.  Saved that as Chapter 1, then repeated it until I was done with the last part that ended up being Chapter 8.  The shortest chapter is Chapter 1 at 44k and the longest is Chapter 6 at 58k.  But the average is 50k... so I think it will work out just fine.  

My only concern is that the story isn't written in a Chapter format.  I look at Chapters in a book as like episodes in a television show.  They should have a beginning, a middle and an ending.  And if they're all connected, like most modern television shows that tell one long story per season, they'll all have some pseudo cliff hanger that makes you excited about the next part.  These are just sliced from a single story at roughtly 50k intervals.  Yeah, I made sure it didn't interupt the middle of a scene, but every chapter has several scenes.  Maybe I should have looked it over more closely and made the chapters make more sense.  

But woulda coulda shoulda.  It's done.  Part one is up on Fictionmania now and I'm going to try and publish a chapter each day.  (update; everything published as of 07/05/2023)

To go right to Chapter 2 you can click here.  

To go right to Chapter 3 you can click here.  

To go right to Chapter 4 you can click here.  

To go right to Chapter 5 you can click here.  

To go right to Chapter 6 you can click here.  

To go right to Chapter 7 you can click here.  

I may come back and edit this post for each chapter, but to make it easy you can also click here to go directly to my story page on Fictionmania where you'll see all the published parts (as well as all my previous stories).  

Anyway, if you do end up reading it, let me know what you think.  I don't expect much response here, but if you DO comment on it, please let me know how much you've read so far.  

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