Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It's A Man's World - Another Outline

We're almost there!

The outline I talked about in the last update worked like gangbusters.  I have this story well on its way.  And to be honest, once I ran out of outline, I fell kind of flat and figured more outline would help more.  

So, I talk about the process and even offer up the outline on my other blog.  You can also just click here to read the story on (at the time of this writing, Chapter 38 is the newest one posted).  

I should also add, as a little teaser, that I'm definitely going to be writing the next part of Gamer Gurl when I finish with It's A Man's World.  I'm really excited about getting back to Sadie and her trials and tribulations.  And since it worked out so well, I'll be starting the whole thing with an outline.  But that will be for another post on the other blog.  Hope you enjoy!  

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