Changing for your lover is always a lovely fantasy
Fist, I actually intended to make a Valentine's Day cap and post it on Sunday. But when I saw the image I used in Lathe of Heaven, I just had to stop and cap it. Once that obscura was done I initially intended to hold it back and post it either Monday or Tuesday. BUT... I got a little excited and clicked on 'Publish'.
Once it was up, I thought about taking it back down so that I could still do a Valentine's Day post but I swear anytime I've done that it gets messed up somehow. And honestly, while I had some images that might work for a Valentine's Day cap, I didn't actually have a cap or story or obscurra. Instead I just left it up and went to searching. Lately, a lot of my caps have been about love. About a couple. So, keeping that theme together for a 'loving' cap seemed easy enough. The image should select the path of the cap/story/obscura, but I'd skip over any that was heading in a 'Party Girl' direction.
When I first saw this image set on fuskator, I thought I had my winner. Specifically this image with the cute little "I Love You" written on the mirror.
I mean, come on. You really can't beat classic Playboy photography. While she's not exactly my favorite body type... a little heavy on top, a little thin everywhere else... she has a beautiful face and a 'come hither' expression. And on top of all that, you know how I like mirrors. I kept this image up, and looked at
another image set I'd pulled up of two women.
Umm... yeah. While the above image came with perfect framing, a nearly ideal woman, and a visual hook in the image to base a story on, this one came with inspiration of the story. I immediately focused on the image I ended up using of the woman holding her newly feminized husband up against the wall. I figured the story would be a little long and I'd have to cut parts of it out but I wanted the couple to live in a world where transformations were possible but not common. So that you could read in-between the lines that they've been together for quite some time as they've done this transformation several times. I wanted there to be hints of his desiring a feminine body but ultimately choosing to be the ideal 'man' that his wife wanted and even wanted to hint that she knew what he wanted but couldn't bring herself close enough to ask and either confirm her suspicions or embarrass him with her mistake. Those little bits went by the wayside. Now, the cap reads a little rushed to me but I think it still works fine.
As for the 'I Love You' image.... I might one day come back and figure out a cap for it but I still don't have an idea to work with so it's going to just sit here for your viewing pleasure.
And if you're wondering... yes, I wanted to have this posted yesterday but I got just plain lazy. I'll write up more on my personal blog about later today. Heck... I'll even link to it but it doesn't involve anything really 'Caitlyn' related. Just an interesting aside that some of you might enjoy.
Anywho, hope you enjoy the (late) Valentine's Day cap.
edit; yes, the writeup on my other blog ended up with some 'Caitlyn' related material. Just me talking more about a story I'm working on. If you're interested, you can find it
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