Calvin's Musings

So what's all this about another blog?

My other blog, Calvin's Musings, has gone through several versions.  When I first published there it was called Caitlyn's Musings and was about writing more than caps.  It's ironic as now ten years later, I'm returning to writing.  Anyway, after I stopped doing that, I republished it as Calvin's Musings and made it more about my 'real' life.  My 'outside of the internet' life, which at the time was completely masculine.  I talked about my cars, my computers, my friendships, my family.  I tried to keep anything feminine or Caitlyn (I still thought of Caitlyn as a separate side of me at the time) related on this blog.  

When I got that personal, sharing details of my life that just about anyone close to me could pick up on, I locked the blog down.  You had to be in the know to know.  But like with this blog I waxed and waned on how much I published.  For a long while I published more over there as the 'Caitlyn' side of my life just faded more and more away.  

Well, this newer version was a slow slide.  Basically the blog now is the non cap side.  I try to put all my caps and Obscura, and tumblr, and D+X, and other quick fun sexy bits over here where over there I talk about other things and often talk about it in longer form.  For instance, when I have an update on a story I'm working on I'll often write a long post over on Calvin's Musings as it's about the process of writing.  You'd only be interested if you're into that kind of stuff and my casual viewers here could give a flying F.  But I'd then make a quick post over here mentioning that there was an update and that you could read more over at the other blog.  

My most common post there is now my 'Update' posts.  I just give updates on my personal life.  My friends, my family, my work, my possessions (mostly car and computers), and my health.  I write these for others to read, but I also put them up for myself.  It's my journal, but where many people keep their journal very private, I keep mine right out in the public square.  Of course just because it's public doesn't mean many people read it.  I think my last ten posts have averaged twenty views.  The last post, published seven days ago has four views.  Two of which are mine when I published it.  

Anyway, if you're here for caps and stories and sexy style fictionalized fun, then this is the place for you.  If you want to know more about me on an ongoing basis, then you can check it out at Calvin's Musings.  

Oh, and I took down all the locks years ago.  Calvin's Musings should be as open as Caitlyn's Masks is.  I still have it listed as adult as I talk about sexual things there (I'm human and have sexuality!), but it's not locked to only followers or just those I give access to.