Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Forever Hidden away

Hiding away can be tricky!

I'm finding it more and more difficult to predict when I'm going to be in the 'mood' to cap.  I still suffer from the same ailments I have for years when it comes to capping;  feeling feminine, feeling sexy, having time, getting an image to inspire me, and then feeling that I have something to write that hasn't been written a dozen/hundred/thousand times before.  On top of all those problems, I now have to deal with these damned migraines.  I can't count how many times I've come across an image that immediately spurs an idea... and then I just move past it.  I might have planned to come back to it, but I forget it.  It's just another opportunity lost.  

Today, in my normal morning roundup, I came across two images that gave me an idea.  Now, I have a pretty bad migraine going right now.  I'm not feeling particularly sexy nor am I feeling particularly feminine.  And neither of these images inspired what I thought of as a 'new' idea.  BUT, I also miss being 'me' and miss being creative.  So... screw it!  I'm gonna make some hay out of these anyway.  

The first image I got was from Karrie's Korner.  Specifically this post.  If you don't know, Karrie's Korner is a passion project from Karrie where she's re-posting Sara's old blog (that has long ago disappeared from blogger.  A lot of the posts feel new, but some are blasts from the past where I remember Sara originally posting it.  In this instance, I saw this image:

As its an old image from the old blog, it isn't nearly high quality enough for me to make a cap out of it.  But, it'd be a nice inspiration for a tumblr post.  I'd link to the write up I did (a fun story of being transformed methodically by a room mate for a behavioral modification university class), but I'm trying to get in the habbit of posting to tumblr every other day.  Most of them are just re-posts from myself, but as I did that yesterday, I wanted this story to go up tomorrow.  Anywaho, you can see it on my tumblr blog on April 25th of 2024.  

The other image I found was ironically on Sara Girl's current blog here.  Sara wrote out a lovely scene between her and her wife, but I saw something different in that photo.  Something sinister.  In the girl lying on her back I saw a 'oh fuck' kind of resignation while I also saw a 'fuck you' kind of superiority in the woman laying between her legs.  After I wrote the tumblr post, I came back to this image and looked at it to see if I could get a cap out of it.  

I think I've written several caps based on this premise.  The 'hiding from a criminal organization but being made over to be a woman IN the organization instead' story line.  I know I've read other caps and stories based on that idea.  Normally, that would mean I'd just skip on by and either look for another story or just forget about the image. BUT, I was feeling itchy and wanted to scratch that it.  

So, this isn't anything new.  In fact, as it isn't new, I feel it's pretty bad, writing wise.  But it's something.  It's a cap when I haven't made a cap for a month and a half.  

Hope you enjoy it! 

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