Friday, July 12, 2024

A Caitlyn Masked Fable - It's A Man's World

A new record length for me!  

I just published the first part of "It's A Man's World" to Fictionmania.  

A brief synopsis of the entire story:  It's A Man's World is the story of three scientists using time travel.  Using their time travel, they discover that there is an event in the near future that wipes out the world's population and leaves a nuclear wasteland filled with radiation and no life.  Their technology doesn't allow them to travel a short period in time, so they can't find out what caused the disaster but they assume it's a nuclear war.  In order to prevent it, they go FAR into the future when society has re-established itself and hope to find a 'history' of the war.  With that information they can return to their present and help their government not engage in a war that ends the world.  

When they get to the future, however, they find there are new problems there including low birth rates and the fact that women are incredibly rare.  The genetic scanning they have to submit to leads to two of the scientists, Atticus and Catty, getting genetically 'cleaned' and remaking them into youthful vigorous version of themselves, while the main subject of the story, James, has a genome that can be cleaned and changed into that of a female.  He goes from a middle aged scientist in his 40s to a young incredibly beautiful woman in her 20s named Joy.  Beyond having his gender changed, the scientists find that he, now she, will have to have sex with as many men as possible in order to give her the best chance to bear a child.  Combined with the fact that this society does not have information regarding the disaster, they decide to escape in the only way possible before Joy is forced to breed.  That escape leads them to a different society where women are considered property.  

Joy is tortured, sold as a slave, and find out that she has no rights whatsoever.  After a daring escape, our adventurous group finds themselves in a third society that supposedly worship women.  They do, but they do so by ensuring women are constantly being pleased by men.  And pleasure for women can come from direct pleasure, or having the woman please a man.  So Joy is trained by her social worker, her neighbor, an AI trainer, and her eventual co-workers to accept pleasing men.  She cooks, cleans, learns sexual techniques, and has to have sex more than she ever thought possible.  

When she eventually finds the cause of the disaster though, it's something that she or her scientific colleagues ever thought possible and it makes them all change their minds on how to proceed.  

Okay, so that synopsis wasn't exactly brief.  But it's a long story!  It's the longest story I've written to date.  For comparison, "Thesis" was a little over 40,000 words.  "Just Dance" was just over 76,000 words.  "Gamer Gurl: Origins" is just over 96,000 words.  "It's A Man's World" is just over 148,000 words.  Realistically, Gamer Gurl will be longer as Origins is just the first part (of a hopeful trilogy).  But still, this current story is long.  I started writing it in February of 2024 and finished it in July.  

When I started writing it, I knew that it would be several things.  I knew it would be my most sex forward story.  I still wanted to have good characters with motivations, arcs, and developments, but I also wanted there to be a lot of Sex.  This would also be my first 'long form' story to involve a full gender change.  You all know how I like to write blow job scenes, but one of the big reasons I focus on those is that if the subject of the story is able to fool people by cross dressing or minor surgeries like those in Thesis, Just Dance, and Gamer Gurl, you still have a penis (or non functioning faux pussy) to deal with.  So, sex means oral.   Maybe a little anal, but anal can lead to discovering that penis down there.  With a full gender change, I was open to oral, vaginal, and anal sex.  All sex toys and sex with multiple partners were all open.  

Another thing I knew this would be is dark.  I knew there would be variations on forced sex, all with similar motivations but different philosophies.  The Free Union gives women freedom, but expects them to bear children and sets them up with all the tools necessary.  Gilead gives women no freedom and looks at them like birthing machines.  And finally Mishigami looks at women as something to be worshiped... but their core beliefs are that women receive pleasure by pleasing and taking care of men so they are 'helped' in doing that.  

Anyway, I think it's a fun sexy story.  Certainly something outside of my normal routine.  I'll write up more on the writing process at my other blog (click here for that post) and you can click below to the three parts as they're published.  

It's A Man's World - Part One

It's A Man's World - Part Two

It's A Man's World - Epilogue 

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