Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Good Girls make more Good Gurls

That's just what good girls are supposed to do, right?

I honestly didn't expect to be making a cap today, especially so close after my last one.  Let's face it, my average is down to several caps a year.  Maybe a couple of caps a season.  Having made one just 12 days ago, I didn't expect the urge to hit strong enough for another month or more.  But when your muse calls, you don't ignore her.  

This started from a tumbler/twitter meme.  It goes deep in both the bimbo and sissy categories.  Good girls make more good girls.  I.e. when a girl is made into a bimbo (or a guy is made into a sissy) part of their new identity is to target and transform more girls into bimbos (or guys into sissies).  Well.... why not combine them!?  Have a 'good girl' bimbo convert her nerdy male friend into a 'good gurl' sissy.  

And as I thought about it more, it became more squirmy for me.  I'm not sure I quite captured this level of squirm, but I liked the idea of him being intrigued by his female friend being transformed.  He even agrees to go through part of it with her, knowing he can back out at any time.  But when she steps it up and forces him to continue, he's now being transformed by a guy's bimbo program when the guy doesn't even know about it.  It reminded me, feelings wise of the cap I did last year "Self Bullying"

Now, if you've followed along with me at all you know one of my biggest problems is having an idea without having an image that inspired said idea.  And this is one of those cases as I didn't have an image or even an idea of what the image would be.  I knew I wanted it to be a little longer of a story than I could get away with a single image, so ideally I'd have two images.  And as I'm feeling a little frisky, I'd like to have one of them be a blow job.  Obviously, I'd like to have two girls (one girl, one gurl).  So maybe one image of the two girls together and then one of them giving a a guy head together.  

On top of it being my normal quest to have good photography, I wanted this to be a "GIRL" and a "GURL".  This wasn't magic or technology, it's hypnosis and training and crossdressing and styling.  So... no breasts.  Or at least breasts that can be explained by a stuffed bra (again, not by expensive surgical style breast forms).  This is not the easiest couple of images to find.  

I tried Google image search for a bit without any luck.  I then went to some of the higher quality erotica sites that I currently pay for, but the ones I have are mostly specializing in large breasted women.  And even when they models/actresses have  small breasts, they like to show them off.  But when I came across one of the image sets at Tushy.com that I've liked for awhile, I remembered where I'd seen it first.  Fuskator!  

I mean... how long has it been since I've used Fuskator!?

Now, I'm not sure if it's Fuskator now or my connection to it but Fuskator fucks up quite a bit for me.  It will sometimes not load the thumbnail for the gallery.  When you go to the gallery, it won't load it.  When you click to see the full size images, sometimes it won't load those either.  And this is all the more frustrating as I specifically want a "girl girl boy" threesome.  

I finally found the search after only finding a couple galleries in four pages that fit my needs (and none of those galleries would work) and searched simply for ggb.  Out of the tens of thousands of galleries, it only gave me five pages of galleries or a few dozen.  But hey, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Having several dozen specific girl/girl/boy threesome galleries should get me to something I like.  

I spent probably close to thirty minutes on these images.  This is after about an hour of everything else, so I was getting a little burned out.  I ended up with two "close but not close enough" options before I found the final one.  Here are two images I was considering from the two 'close but not close enough' galleries:

This gallery was nice and I know I've seen it before, both in video and photo formats:

I'd have the subject of the cap be the blonde here, but I really didn't like having the guy in the first image.  

This gallery was a little closer to what I was looking for.  And I have to admit, the tartan style school girl skirts made it a little fun.   

But the actual BJ photo didn't work for me.  

Initially, when I saw the gallery of the images I ended up using, I almost skipped it.  Sure, it's full of sexy photos and they're especially large photos... but they didn't really have a good photo without the guy in it.  But I kept coming to the two images I used and they had something that's hard to find.  The right expression.  That first image when the girls are looking at each other has that 'OMG' type of expression that I adore.  And the second one has the blonde expression of "I can't believe I'm doing this" and the brunette's "I love that she's doing this" 

That's what sold me on the images.  And even though I'd have to bend backwards to make those two images work for the story, I'd do it.  I don't think I did a particularly good job at it.  I mean... "As I look into Maisey's eyes..." and then working back isn't poetry.  But it's close enough.  

Design wise there isn't much new here.  I knew that red was one of the only colors in the photo but I initially tried to avoid using it for the text, text box, and title.  But the pink and yellow and browns that I tried (sorry, I didn't save any version of them) were just bad.  Red might seem a little too spot on, but it's the best option there.  

Overall, I'm happy with it.  I don't think it will go down as a 'Caitlyn Classic' or anything, but I think it's a sold B+.  

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