Saturday, March 21, 2020

In The Time Of The Virus

The Virus is affecting all parts of our society

In the time of the virus, everything changed. 

When my boss, Miss Parker, found me reading up on sexual reassignment surgeries on the computer, I couldn’t tell her I was looking to get a job with that German surgical team’s office.  With most offices shutting down and laying off their employees and the surgical team closing their office until this whole thing blew over, I couldn’t just get another job quickly.  Telling her I was trans was a lie but it would both explain what I was looking at and make it harder to fire me. 

That little lie screwed me over. 

At first, I thought Miss Parker was testing me.  Trying to make me admit I was lying.  When she said I could wear makeup in the office if it would make me more comfortable, I lied and said that I didn’t know how to apply makeup.  Her offering to teach me wasn’t expected, but I couldn’t back out and admit that I didn’t want to wear makeup.  So, I learned how to apply cosmetics each morning under her tutelage until I could ‘make myself pretty’ on my own before coming into the office. 

The embarrassment of being seen wearing makeup in the office was compounded when she pulled everybody together and told them I was going through a transition and that they needed to support me in every way possible.  She even insisted the stop calling me Michael and start going by the hastily chosen name I’d shared with her on the day of my first lie.  Heather. 

With everybody trying to show me it was “okay to be the real me” it wasn’t long before one of the other assistants suggested I wear my “real” clothes into the office.  Miss Parker was all for it and blew past my hasty lie that I’d love to but that I didn’t have any professional clothes.  Miss Parker taking me clothes shopping was surreal as most of the regular clothe stores had temporarily closed to help stop the spread of the virus.  That only left the best boutiques that were open and only sold by appointment.  I not only had to try on all manner of skirts and blouses and lingerie chosen by a professional sales lady, I had to model it all in front of my boss.  My balk of it all looking wrong without breasts was met with the purchase of an expensive pair of falsies that when glued on and blended in with some makeup looked incredibly real. 

Miss Parker said she’d cover half of the expenses to help make up for buying so many sets of designer clothes and underthings, but I was still left with a tab of several thousand dollars.  When I tried to beg off and say that I couldn’t even afford the other half, the business manager drew up a quick employment contract that let them pull money out of my check until it was paid off.  Even if I wanted to quit this charade now, I was locked into a six-month employment contract.  I literally had to work off an entire wardrobe of clothes that I’d never want to wear again. 

When another manager saw that I wasn’t looking very happy, she suggested I get my hair styled to match my new makeup and clothes.  I figured it was safe to agree and say it was a good idea.  I didn’t tell her that I’d heard that morning that the governor had closed down all the hair salons along with the barbers, day spas, and nail salons.  Agreeing like that was bad, however, as Miss Parker really wanted me to feel comfortable and paid a private hair stylist to come into the office and give me my hair makeover there.  When I was alone with the stylist, I tried to tell her that a feminine hairstyle wouldn’t work with my body hair, but that only made us start with a full body wax.  While I didn’t have much hair to work with, she still did her magic and I went home that night with an undeniable feminine bob hairstyle. 

Having everybody at the office now see me as completely feminine and treating me so was maddening.  When I was asked why I still seemed nervous I lied and said that it was just strange to be around people that had seen me as a man before and could probably still see that under my new feminine appearance.  So when the chance to travel with Miss Parker to Germany where no one would know me as a man was offered I couldn’t exactly decline it.  That of course compounded the problem as not only were people at the office going to see me as a woman, but people at the airport, people at the hotel, and people at the conference were all going to only see me as Heather. 

The 15-hour flight to Dresden was disturbing all because of another innocent lie.  When I saw a former girlfriend across the aisle, I was afraid she’d recognize me under all these cosmetics and clothes.  Miss Parker noticed my nervousness when I asked her to switch seats.  I figured my lies had gotten me in enough trouble so I told her the person across the aisle was a former lover and it was upsetting.  I was stunned when she mistook the person I was talking about and just assumed it was my ex’s hulking new boyfriend.  Assuming that it wouldn’t come up again, I agreed and told her that I didn’t want “him” to even see me. 

Assumptions are just as bad as lies as that little slip up drove me into talking with Miss Parker for the rest of the flight about men.  What we liked in men.  What we didn’t like.  What we found attractive.  What turned us on.  And as the drinks continued to flow, my boss got more and more personal and my lies and assumption made it so that I had to keep making a more and more detailed fantasy man that I loved cuddling up with, loved giving blowjobs to, and even loved getting fucked by from behind.  Miss Parker probably assumed my obvious arousal was from comparing notes on giving head.  I couldn’t exactly tell her it was from me imagining her giving ME head. 

I had already agreed to loving my new clothes and had even added some icing to that lie by telling her that I really enjoyed the shopping trip and modeling the clothes, so I couldn’t exactly turn down her offer to hit up some chic boutique on our first full day.  Last time we’d gone shopping the saleslady made me nervous, but I looked back upon that fondly as this boutique had to hulking guys as salesmen.  After Karl and Stefan got both of us several sets of sexy lingerie and a couple dresses to try on and left us alone, Miss Parker quietly squealed with delight.  My eyes just grew wide as she undressed and reminded me of our conversation on the plane and how much these guys matched our agreed upon description of hunky men we’d want to fuck.  My blush was from watching this attractive woman seemingly comfortable being nude in front of me and enjoying watching her beautiful body, but she seemed to take it as my own attraction to these “hunks”.  Being cornered again, I could only agree when she started overtly flirting with them and suggested they stay and help us get dressed. 

I certainly didn’t want the guys think I was flirting too, but I couldn’t let Miss Parker see me being shy after her own show of attraction and our previous conversations.  I figured the best way was to make sure they wouldn’t be attracted to me.  They were obviously attracted to Miss Parker and I, so I did the only thing that could ruin that.  I pulled down my panties and showed off just how not feminine I was.  I even forced on a smile, wiggled my hips back and forth, and asked in a teasing voice if my “little bit extra” was going to be a problem. 

I never in a million years would have expected them to both say that it wasn’t a problem at all.  I certainly never expected to feel Karl’s hand grip my hairless balls and penis and give them a playful squeeze.  The only saving grace was hearing on the radio that the city was going to go into a full lockdown that night and the suggestion that all foreign visitors return to their home countries.  Evidently Miss Parker didn’t hear that and looked to me questioningly when the guys asked us out that night.  Knowing that we wouldn’t be staying let me easily agree to it and even joke how Miss Parker and I had talked about being with two men like them. 

Our guys insisted we wear some of our new clothes out and to our date so I walked out arm and arm with my boss wearing a sexy new pair of heels, real silk stockings, and a practically form fitting dress that cost $5000.  Or whatever $4500 Euros added up to.  Miss Parker was all to happy when they walked us to the door and spun us back to back.  My own moan as Karl cupped my ass and drew me in for a kiss was matched by her moan while Stefan did the same to her.  Of course, even my moan was a lie because no matter how sexy it may have sounded it was simply me crying out “Nooo” around Karl’s beefy tongue. 

As the Uber drove us away, I mentioned what I’d heard on the radio about the city going on lockdown.  Miss Parker was visibly upset and apologize about us not being able to get to our double date.  I tried to put on a facial expression somewhere between disappointed and hopeful and show her that I was just upset.  It was a big mistake to assume she’d want to get out of the city as fast as possible and suggest that we call up the guys and see if they’d be willing to at least meet us for lunch. 

30 minutes later found us at a small outdoor café with me squeezed between Miss Parker and Karl.  It took all of my might to keep up appearances as both Karl and Stefan kept increasing their sexual innuendos and acts.  I imagine women loved it when their men fed them, but having all of my food fed to me by Karl’s thick fingers was beyond awful, especially when he started leaving them in-between my lips and asking me to suck them clean.  I’m not sure which was worse though, his fingers in-between my lips, or his hand on my thigh.  Both sensations were trumped, however, when he guided my hand into his lap and I felt his cock grow and pulse under his pants. 

Miss Parker almost seemed to be pushing them on as she started talking about what she wished we all could do.  She brought up our embarrassing airplane conversation and I had to live that all over again, but this time I had to explain how I liked to take my time and suck my lover off slowly while looking into Karl’s eyes instead of hers.  When she had me describe in detail how I loved being bent over and taken from behind I could practically see Karl’s arousal grow in his eyes while I most certainly as I felt it grow in his pants. 

When I heard the announcement on the radio, I couldn’t control myself and ran to the bathroom.  When Miss Parker caught up and saw me in tears in one of the doorless stalls, she must have assumed it was a mixture of excitement and nerves as she said that she’d be right there with me and make sure all my fantasies came true.  It’s not like I could explain the airports closing down early and all travel outside the city being barred was the nightmare I was most afraid of.  That being trapped in the city wasn’t as bad as being trapped by my own lies and actions.  The lies and actions that had convinced my boss and the hulking aroused man back at our table that I really did want to suck him off and get fucked by him.   

When  we arrived at Karl and Stefan’s house just outside the city I swallowed what I hoped would be the last of my pride and showed Karl my attraction by letting him kiss and touch me while I reciprocated and kissed and touched him back.  My last hope was to get him alone and explain I was just too shy to go through this with him.  I even readied myself to give him a hand job just to show him I wasn’t lying the entire day figuring that having him in my hand would be better than having him in my mouth and ass.  But even that hope was dashed by Stefan’s suggestion and both Miss Parker’s and Karl’s agreement that they’d like to “make love” all together. 

While I tried my best to not gag while swirling my tongue around Karl’s cock, Miss Parker seemed happy enough to pause her blow job of Stefan to wipe away my tears and explain to the guys just how excited I was to be going this as a woman.  Karl was gentle and never tried to force himself into my throat.  But his hand did hold my head down and force me to swallow all the cum he shot into my mouth.  I was in a complete daze Karl easily lifted me up and placed me on my hands and knees.  As he pulled my panties down and off, Stefan laid Miss Parker down next to me and gave me a bird’s eye view of his manhood sliding into her beautiful pussy. 

I knew it was too late to back out now.  I’d have to always live with being a cocksucker and would soon always have the memory of being fucked, but as Karl lubed himself and me up I took what little solace as I could in that this would be the only time.  Once Miss Parker and I got back on our own, I could just be more careful and steer her away from any men.  But as my mouth opened wide, as I tried to turn my guttural pained groan into a somewhat sexy low moan from Karl entering me, I heard his offer of us staying with them while we were locked in town.  I’m not sure I could have made any words even if a way to refuse came into my head as he slowly started to thrust in and out of me, deeper on each pass.  I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else when Miss Parker agreed to us staying with them for the entire lockdown.

source:  fuskator
I wanted to add a quick note for posterity.  While it should be obvious now that this is a sexy/forced take on what's going on with the current Covid-19 scare and all the shut downs and ramifications of that, I realized that this might later be taken as any old 'gender virus' or such.  Sorry about that confusion, if it ever turns up.


  1. A great version of the "I brought all this on myself with a compounding lie" story. What made this wonderful is that there was so much at stake that there really was no way out. At some point, it is just easier to keep going than try to correct all the prior misunderstandings.

    Somehow I feel like this is the horror movie version of "Three's Company"!

    1. HA! I never thought of this, or anything, as a horror movie version of Three's Company, but I'm not going to think of that as a story archtype. And one that I'll have to revisit!

      And yeah, I do love a good "I brought this all on myself with a lie" story. I wish there were more ways to write them, but I guess I'll just have to keep trying to find new ones.
