Tuesday, June 25, 2019


How exactly do you know when the endgame is upon you?

So, a cap like this one has been in the back of my head for a long long while.  Often, when looking at porn images similar to this one... especially when you can imagine hesitation or sad resignation in the girls' eyes... I'd imagine a scenario similar to this.  Someone transformed against their will, then trained, then trained some more, then made to go through mental acrobatics to at least appear happy and satisfied with their new life.  The scene in the image would always be them with a guy that they've been with for awhile and thinking that it's some sort of long test... a 'if only I can get through this, they'll let me out' type of test.

But of course, it's no test.  Their transformation and training and mental changes have all conspired to make them 'act' like the perfect girl, even when they've entered their final stage;  being sold or given off to a loving man who honestly believes they've always been this way.  The guy blissfully thinks he's come upon the ultimate loving woman when the woman on the inside is just trying to make sure she doesn't slip up.

More often than not, the background of the story is set in a school.  Think a school like D+X that forcibly feminizes men against their will.  These men are given 'boyfriend' tests.  At first the 'boyfriend' comes in, rates the newly feminized guy as how feminine he looks, then the test is over.  But each test goes further and further, rating her movements, her body language, her flirting ability, her comfort level at being touched and fondled, her sexual abilities, her dating abilities.  Her ability to hold it together while going out to a drive in, then a dark theater, then a date out to the mall, then a weekend over at his college apartment, then a long weekend at his parents place.  And as she passes each test and pushes her instincts down that scream 'RUN' as she's given more and more freedom, she's given what she thinks is a long term test.  As this is a school setting I imagine that as a summer trip abroad... say to Australia... where she has to keep it together and 'fool' her boyfriend every minute of every hour of every day of every week of ever month.  And of course she wouldn't realize that she's already passed and graduated.  That this isn't a test and is in fact the guy who she's been given too (I always imagine the new boyfriend as innocent, so HE didn't buy her but maybe his father did?).  Her hard work in only making him fall in love with her and sealing her fate as his eventual wife.   And by then... the training has become her persona and she doesn't even know how to break free.

That story could be long form, and it always had to be truncated and 'hurried' to be put into cap form.  And while a lot of the images would work fine for it, I never found one that I thought was perfect.  Until now.  I see the woman's look in this image as one half "Don't let him find out" and one half "I Love This Man So Much!".  On the guy's part I don't see that cocky, alpha, controlling aspect I often see in images that I like.  No, I see him with calm confidence and love for this woman working to please him.  Sure, that's MY impression being pushed onto the image, but it's what I saw so this is the story that I wrote.  I had to hurry even more as these people look a little older than college age and the pool and candles just scream 'anniversary'... so I put her past the wedding.

And the endgame title itself?  Yeah... that's the Avengers movie working it's way through my subconscious.  I always thought the title would be something like "How do I pass this test?" or "Is this the end?"  But "Endgame?" works just about as well and feels right.

And the icing on the cake was the layout of the image.  I mean, go to fuskator and look at the original.  That space above her head and back just SCREAM for this type of layout.  A dual column is exactly what I saw before I wrote a single word and knew what would fit and what wouldn't.  My only design regret is the length of that first text box.  I'd ideally like both it and the 2nd box to be the same distance from her... either her head or her back/ass.  The spacing between the two text boxes, the space between the boxes and the top of the image, the space between the left box and the guy, the space between the right box and the edge of the image, and the space between the right box and her back/ass are all perfect in my eye.  The space between the left box and her head is too big.

But that's where I ended it.  I probably could have chased the size of the text and added a few lines where they didn't belong, but I was happy with the story and didn't want to mess with it just to fix one little design flaw.

Anyway, I'm really happy with this.  Lemme know what you think of the original idea and this interpretation of it!


  1. Never too late to comment, compliment, and otherwise gush over one of my all time favorite captions. I would have commented earlier but your thorough breakdown of the caption making process covers all the points I would have made. The first person detailing of each stage of the process and how hapless the victim/lucky recipient (matter of opinion on which side of the slash you're on) truly is. And the image chosen is perfection. clicks all the boxes and pushes all the buttons. Perfection.

    1. Thanks realfield! Until I saw you talk about this on the discord, I didn't think it went over all that well. But if I hit even one person in the happy place with a cap, I can happily call it a full success!
