Saturday, July 13, 2019

Act like a Man

You can at least ACT... right?

There's just something intoxicating about this thought.  I'll admit I've had it plenty of times before, most often as a sexual fantasy.  Being a man either disguised as a woman or actually transformed into a woman and being treated like the sexualized feminine fantasy BY women.  A more precise version of this fantasy would be (often visuallized by the Straplezz porn videos on Porn hub) sneaking into a school (all girl college!?) where you have to present yourself as female.  Your roommate, who's attracted to you, sees your nervousness when she's sexually aggressive.  She misinterprets that as a female heterosexual desire in you, so she pulls out her strap on and becomes the masculine aggressor to your feminine passive, letting you suck 'his' cock and get fucked.  Mmm....

Now this cap is a little off from that direct fantasy as I thought of a group of guys all on a 'bikini beach' type scenario where they're all transformed into women and the only way out is to 'act like a man' (yeah, I had the title almost as soon as I saw that second cap image!).  Of course, if that's the case... acting like a man changes you into a man while acting like a woman changes you into more of a woman... you can't change everybody back.  And by mere math, the last woman left will be INCREDIBLY feminine.

Here's how my math worked.  Figure there were 8 guys that were all changed into women.  4 of these beauties act like a man and immediately get changed back into men while the remaining 4 are now twice as feminine.    Out of the 4 remaining women, two start acting like men but have to be twice as 'manly' to get changed back, leaving the remaining two women four times (its a logarithmic scale!) as feminine.  The last ultra feminine woman to act like a man has to act four times as 'manly' to get changed back, leaving our last woman (the heroine of our story here) sixty four times as feminine!

Yeah, she's gonna be a super(porn)model!

Of course, this is an incredibly sexualized fantasy and really it's talking about acting sexually aggressively vs sexually passively.  But for a quick two panel sexy forced femme cap and not a scholarly paper on the differences in masculine and feminine, I think it's a distinction without a difference.

Design wise, I think I'm becoming a fan of using the 'shape' tool in photoshop for the text background vs pathing out a rectangle and making that into a solid shape.  I'm not sure if this is an addition in some new version since I last used the shape tool or if its something I just haven't utlizied, but the shape tool now specifically has a 'rounded corners' property that I can change.  I can make the corners rounded by a number of pixels and it automatically scales as it changes in size or shape and links all four corners.  Before when I tried to use rounded corners I had to individually path out each rounded corner.  And if I changed the size of the rectangle, the rounded corners remained the exact same size.... so they'd have to be resized individually.  So, while it's a subtle difference, you'll probably be seeing more rounded corners from me in the future.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the cap!

1 comment:

  1. How could I act like a man, how do this now. How could make love as a man. This, this object turn me, change me into a female, a girl, a women. I can only try to please you as her, a she, a women. This I can do this. To please you as one. The only facts is the knowledge that I was a man.
