Monday, September 25, 2023

Back In My Day...

This isn't walking uphill in the snow to get to school!

I saw this image on a discord server for cap artists this morning and it just sang to me. I more or less had this story in my head as soon as I saved it. In fact the only thing that changed from what I had in mind to what I put in the cap was cutting a bunch out. The image is small and I knew I couldn't fit a lot into it. I think I got the basics out though... guy complains to his wife how kids have it so much better today and gets his age reduced to try and prove it to his wife. He complains about several things that I hear people complain about (and that I honestly believe make growing up today more difficult than when 'we' were younger) and put them in as he has to live through them. And ultimately it wouldn't be a Caitlyn cap if it didn't at least hint at a little raunchiness at the end!

Originally it was going to be a back and forth conversation style cap with him being more descriptive about how he overcame each new thing like going without a drivers license (he thought it would be easy to not have to have a car and maintain it and pay for it, but getting bus passes and maintaining Uber and Lyft accounts make it much more difficult) or having a cell phone making it easier (but now having to deal with constantly being in contact and having all the social media apps).  Only at the end would it be revealed that he was a guy and that being a girl was actually easier.... until the date thing came up.  

Humorously enough, I actually got the story small enough that it looked a little too small in the cap!  Upping the font size and making it bold took care of it, but its a problem I only rarely have to deal with!

So, what do you think?  Is it easier or harder to 'grow up' today as opposed to 20 years ago?  How about 30 years ago?  40?  Lemme know, and I hope you enjoyed the cap! 

1 comment:

  1. Short and sweet, but by no means any lesser than your epics. It's a great pic and I can see how it sang to you, so ripe with story opportunities.
