Sunday, November 1, 2015

Morning Devotional

Oh Goddess...

Goddess, I pray to you to thank you.  I’ve cursed your name so many times but you’ve always been there for me.  I  see that now.  Before you took me into your loving embrace I defiled your lovely creations.  I looked upon women as weak flighty creatures who needed a strong hand to command and guide them.  I used them for sex.  When they said no I would push past.  When they struggled I took that as encouragement.   I thought of my masculinity as a sign of natural superiority. 

When your prophetess came to me and warned me I mocked her.  I laughed in her face.  I tried to convert her to my own personal religion where my body was God, my desires sacred, and her beliefs irrelevant.  When her chanting started changing me I feared retribution.  I feared that you would change me into what I thought women should be.  I was scared and cried out for help… but I was naïve.  Not only did I believe I was righteous, I believed that you were cruel.  Giving your daughters these beautiful bodies and denying them the release of a commanding man. 

Oh Goddess you’ve shown me how wrong I was.  You not only gave me this glorious body, you’ve given me a truly honorable man.  He demands nothing from me.  He was there to offer comfort when I cried.  He was there to console me when I felt loss.  He was there and patient with me while I learned about this body.  As I read your texts and studied my body he helped me explore it.  Not in a mad need for brief sexual release, but in an honest desire to assist me.  I’ve experienced what all women should… a gentle lover who wants me to feel pleasure and love. 

I kneel in prayer to you this morning not in an attempt to gain my life back.  That chapter of my life was a preamble… and introduction to this wonderful powerful feminine life I have now.  No Goddess, I pray to you in thanks and beg for you to give this gift to another.  Please loving Goddess let me experience the next chapter in womanhood by allowing me to carry a child.  I’ve learned my lesson and am ready to pass on your teachings no matter the gender of my offspring.  A girl child will learn that she is second to no man and will respect her life as well as her body.  A boy child will learn to be love women and accept them as equals. 

source:  Feel What You Know 

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