Sunday, October 23, 2016

D+X Slave Auction

The Slave Auction is THE event of the year.  Every Year!

Next up at the world-renowned D+X Institute slave auction is Ashlei Blake.  I’m positive you’ve all seen her wonderful videos including “But I didn’t do it!”  the story of her arrival at the Institute, and “I’m not a girl and I don’t want to suck that” the story of her Lip Service For Him class.  Now be forewarned, Ashlei hasn’t even achieved level one status yet so she’s still a little skittish.  If you desire to break in your slave girl personally and don’t mind a lot of sniveling and crying about not being a girl, then this is the one for you! 

Please be aware that payment is due upon the end of bidding and we do NOT accept checks.  If your account is found to be lacking… well let’s just say that there’s always room up on the block for another brand new slave girl.  The bidding starts at $500,000!

source:  Fuskator

So I'm trying to post a few obscura's this week relating to my favorite role playing place; the D+X Institute.  I'm going to take quite a bit of liberty with these obscuras, but they will all be based on things that really happen at D+X. 

The Slave Auction.   While they aren't truly annual events (there have been a couple years without one, there was one year with two!), the Slave Auctions are one of the really fun site wide events.  Out of Character you sign up your character for the auction.  It's only open to girls (although there have been Staff Date Auctions and other similar events).  In Character you play out how you end up being put up on the block.  It's really easy if you're in the Catacombs Training program (the slave girls) as someone simply pushes you up and chains you into the auction.  

When I first started at D+X, I was too new for the Auction.  There wasn't anything banning me from playing in it, but I didn't think I was ready.  By the time the next auction rolled around, I was a Staff Member and couldn't participate (at least not as a slave... I did end up buying several slaves).  This year when I came back and was a girl again I jumped at the chance.  As a player I thought it was going to be fun and thrilling.  As a character.... well I was scared shitless.  Out of character I asked my 'boss' (remember, I'm playing an Office Services Secretary and actually have a job as one of the executive's personal assistant) to push me into the auction.  She did so wonderfully and I got to live out my dream of being put up on the block, oogled by patrons and staff alike and even have several bidding wars over me.  It was an absolute BLAST!

Characters stroll in and view the merchandise and call out their bids. This isn't eBay where you can set a max amount and the system will automatically bid you up.  No, you have to make a post calling out your bid each and every time.  There is a closely monitored end time and any bids made after that end time are invalid.  There are a LOT of posts in the last few minutes and seconds of each auction.  There's almost always someone upset because they got outbid at the last minute, and there's almost always a celebration when someone realizes they won their prize.  The same goes for the slaves up on the block... tears when they're purchased by someone they weren't expecting and celebrations for being bought by a close friend.  The bidding lasts a week and you are bidding the insite currency 'Doxies'.  You actually earn Doxies by posting and it's a real thing.  If you don't have enough to bid... then you can't bid.  

At the end of the auction the winners take their slaves and start a new thread with them.  In character they get to keep the girl as their personal property for a full week.... but that week long thread will often last months in the real world!

Have you ever had a fantasy of being changed into a girl and being sold at an Auction?  Well it's just one of the many MANY fantasies you can live out at D+X.  Come on over and set up an account or read more about playing at D+X here!

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