Friday, August 20, 2021

My Wish is His Wish

Do NOT give your wish to someone else!

Yeah yeah, it's a story that's been told countless times.  Someone wishes for 'the perfect girl' while the subject gets changed into that girl.  I think I've done it a few times myself.  But really, the reason it works so often is that it works so well.  I mean for pure squirm factor, I can't imagine going through a transformation like this, hearing a friend describe the perfect sexy girl and feeling yourself going through it step by step.  Always hoping that once he stops you'll be able to stop it or reverse it or change it, but then being stuck in that new reality.  Now me, I personally don't like character death.  I don't want the 'me' in this story to stop existing and only the new compliant, sex starved, girlfriend to exist in 'my' place.  

But that of course leaves me with the even squirmier proposition of being that girl.  Being a witness in your own body, feeling your hand wrap around a man's throbbing cock as you direct it to spray all over your face.  Hearing your quiet sexy moan as you coat yourself and looking up into his eyes as your smile widens and you tell him thank you.  Knowing it will happen again and again and again and again and again.  *shivers in delight*  

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I phoned this one in for design.  Simple square text box, just dark enough to separate the black text from the black bikini.  That's because this is the third cap/obscura of the day.  I made "Dear Marci", and "Possessive" both today (Sunday the 15th).  After Possessive, I was ready to throw the towel in and just be done for the week, but then I saw this image.  WOW!  It's rare that I'm this strongly turned on by a woman like this that's neither how I see myself or what I want in a woman... but for whatever reason, this hit all the right buttons and got the creative juices flowing.  But as inspired as it made me, it didn't inspire a cap.. just the story.  I wanted to do it justice as a cap though, so I at least put in the minimal effort.  

I hope you like it.  I at least hope you like looking at her as much as I do!  


  1. Absolutely fantastic cap! You're right that this is a commonly told story, I think every TG writer/cap artist does one of these at least once in their career, but that doesn't make this take on the classic premise any less awesome! And I can see why you got a story out of this image because it's quite compelling.

    1. I agree. staggering out the changes with such fine detail really made for a super good cap.

  2. Awesome post. Thank you so much Caitlyn!!!


    sissy terrie

  3. Good Cap! A follow up caption is needed where the transformed friend has revenge on Brad.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, but I don't know about that kwtm1874. One, I didn't leave much room in the story for a follow-up. Two, I wasn't thinking of the subject as the revenge seeking type. I don't know, I don't get the vibe of a sequel cap. Of course if you'd like to take the idea and run with it, I'd be happy to see what you come up with!

  4. Yum. This one really really got me. Thank you

  5. Wow, this one definitely pushes my right buttons. Nicely done!

    You wouldn't happen to know the model, or where you found her pic, would you? Image searching doesn't turn up anything I could find.

    1. Thanks Josie! I'm afraid I got this on one of the discords I frequent. Someone just posted it to the 'hot pic' or 'nsfw' channels and I snagged it from there. I'll see if I can find who posted it and ask them though. If I find anything I'll let you know.

  6. Thank you everybody! I honestly thought the story was lacking and that this wouldn't get much reaction... but I guess I was wrong!
