Saturday, February 25, 2023

New Story Idea!

I know, I know... I should finish one first.  But this one hit me hard!

So, I'm still trying to write.  Write as in a story, not a cap, obscurra, tumblr, or even role playing.  As I've put on here before, I've been working on 'Just Dance' for over two years now and am honestly getting close to the finish line.  I more or less think I have two sections to go and maybe an epilogue.  Then it's the process of going through and editing it.  I've changed my mind on the main character's name, but not specifically what it will be.  I've changed some 'facts' since the beginning of the story, like initially the main character had some sexual experience but I think I'm going to change him to a virgin.  It's just a bit sexier in my head that his first sexual experiences will be living out his fantasy... but in the woman's role.  Mmm... I get all squirmy just thinking about it!  I've also added new facts that I'd like to hint at earlier in the story.  And finally I want to go through and add more of the mundane details of the feminization process.  Dealing with the clothes.  Starting makeup, getting better at makeup, getting good enough at makeup that it's practically unconscious muscle memory.  I think I've covered the transition from being nervous at being seen as a girl to being comfortable with it, but I'd like to make sure that transition is documented in the story.  That's story editing.  I also need to edit it for brevity, grammar, spelling, and tone.  I want to make sure I'm keeping in the first person as I want it to have a personal feel.  

The very last thing I need to do is figure out how to publish it.  This story is LONG!  I was curious at one point on the definition of short story, story, novella, and novel and by everything I could see 'Just Dance' is easily long enough to be considered a full on novel.  Right now, before the last two sections, it's 50% LONGER than Thesis.  And the biggest, most consistent, complaint I had about Thesis was its length.  So I figure if I'm primarily going to publish on Fictionmania, I should break it up into parts.  I know personally I like to read stories that are about 50k in length.  Thesis, for comparison, is 220k and 'Just Dance' is 330k.  Figure if it ends up around 350k, I could break it up into seven 50k parts.  The only problem is that the story starts off fairly tame before getting quite raunchy.  People looking for 'dat sexy sexy writing' would be turned off and not read it.  People no looking for smut might start and then get disappointed.  So there's that to consider.  

Anywho, I've also talked about my other story idea.  The time traveling people to a future where women are objects.  The dirty dirty, smutty smutty one.  I think I've mentally cut this one way down.  There won't need to be quite the built up and I can just get into a sexy romp.  But it would still be a process to write it out.  I'm interested in the story, but I'm not completely married to it being my next project.  

These past few weeks I've been battling migraines.  If you want more on that you'll have to check out my other blog as I'll update it there, but all you need to know is that I'm stuck at home without the ability to really 'think'.  I can't write, I can't roleplay, I can't game, and I can't really enjoy new television/movies.  I can put on youtube and watch things I don't care about and I can watch old television/movies.  But after re-watching most of Star Trek: The Next Generation, The West Wing, The Punisher, and Jessica Jones (and about halfway through Justified), I'm really bored.  So I started reading more TG erotica.  I wasn't looking for anything deep, just something to take my mind away from the pain.  It was annoying as reading itself is difficult, but I found if I sat back from the monitor and increased the text to a ridiculous size, I could manage.  

I found something that I wasn't expecting.  A new author.  Or at least an author new to me.  Nicegent42.  Initially I wasn't interested as she seemed to write stories with hand drawn graphics... not particularly a fan of the style.  The stories were also long on fictionmania with relatively few sex scenes (remember, I wasn't looking for a good story, just some erotica to distract me).  For example, their story 'Girlfriend's Daughter' is currently 24 chapters long, with the chapters ranging from 80k to 150k.

Now, initially I was caught onto Nicegent42's story Diversity Hire.  It was only a few chapters in, so I could focus on what I wanted.  And the scenes were kind of in my wheel house.  A guy faking being a girl through 'normal' methods.  Stuffed bra, tucking, makeup, long hair styled feminine, wearing heels.  And most importantly.... working as a secretary!  I DO adore the whole sexy secretary fantasy.  I ended up enjoying and re-reading two of the scenes enough that I went back and re-read the whole thing as a story instead of just flipping through and looking for sexy distracting bits.  

I got interested enough in Nicegent42's stories that I sought them out, outside of fictionmania.  I can't remember why I even thought they'd have a presence outside of fictionmania, but I did and I was correct.  I found their page on  It's a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' erotic writing site and Nicegent42 is writing their scenes there (several scenes go together as a chapter and are then published to fictionmania... so in other words they get published there first!  

I was so enamored that I started reading two other stories.  Quick synopses are:

  • Diversity Hire / Diversity Life
    • A guy is tricked by his friend to dress up as a girl at work in order to win some prizes.  He took it seriously and got help from his ex-girlfriend to really pull of the look.  It ended up a gag as no one else was dressed up.  He was mistaken by a higher up as a woman and hit on.  The boss figure threatens to fire him and then is admonished by HR that he can't do that to someone transitioning.  So in order to not get fired, he has to admit he's transitioning and then accept the workplaces 'help' in transitioning while also becoming the boss figure's secretary.  Hijinx ensue.  
  • Jordan's Job
    • This is an earlier story than Diversity Hire/Life and was written with other people. 
    • Jordan has to get a job in order to avoid getting thrown out of his apartment by his roommate/friend.  His girlfriend gets him an interview as an administrative assistant (secretary), but his clothes and wallet get ruined/lost and he has to go through his friend's closet for clothes.  His friend is too big so he finds the most masculine things from his friend's ex girlfriend (pants, cami, blouse...) and goes to the interview.  They assume he's a woman and hire him.  His girlfriend is furious as she's now on the line for recommending him which could lead to fraud and/or both of them being fired, so she insists he goes all girly girl to fit in until he can get another job.  Hijinx ensue.  
  • Girlfriend's Daughter
    • A woman's boss sees a picture of her and her boyfriend and assumes he's a girl (he's slight with long blonde hair and is almost a decade younger).  The boss says he'd love to meet the daughter, that she doesn't have, at the company picnic.  Meanwhile the boyfriend is home, cheating on her and is caught by the woman's sister.  The sister blackmails him into acting as his girlfriend's daughter at the picnic.  He agrees and meets the boss' daughter who looks humiliating a lot like him all femmed up, and she loves hanging out and even gets them a double date. 
    • This is the LONG story, so many MANY hijinks ensue.  I'm only about halfway through this one.  
Nicegent42 has written other things, but these are the three that caught my attention.  Much like Jenna Corso and RHMusic on fictionmania, I intend to read everything from Nicegent42.  

My only complaint is writing style.  Where I tend to put things in the first person and leave them there, Nicegent42 writes from everybody's perspective.  Not quite 3rd person as there isn't a narrator... each person is written in first person and it just switches from person to person.  It's not bad, but it's done sentence to sentence sometimes in the middle of a paragraph.  It can be quite jarring.  This next part isn't as much of a dislike as just a critique they tend to misspell and use the wrong words a lot of the time.  I'm not sure if they're an English as a Second Language writer, are using a translator program, or are just writing quickly and not editing... but these too are jarring.  For example I often will screw up To and Too.  "I wanted him to go along as it was too dangerous for me to do alone".   I mix those two up, but these will mix in Two along with it.  "I wanted him to go along as it was too dangerous for me two do alone".  There will even be completely wrong words that are similar in spelling to the intended words.  Like "I want him to go a long it was to dang for me to do a lone"  

Normally things like that would turn me off from reading more.  But that's a testament to Nicegent42's stories... I keep reading them.  

I even took some of my favorite scenes (you know the type... the 'one handed reading' type *wink*) and re-wrote them.  Just some light editing, cleaning up the typing and word errors, and then making it all in the first person point of view.  But you know what?  They were lacking.  Nicegent42's style of story needed both perspectives.  One person is thinking one way but acting counter to it because of reasons.  The other person sees the person acting this way and responds in kind, thinking that they're helping out.  The first person sees it as the them getting screwed over by the other person, and now won't open up to them about it... even though it was just a mistake.  

For example, here's a quick off the cuff scene in the first person from Ann's perspective:

Going out on this date with Roger is embarrassing.  Everyone sees us an obvious couple, with him in a nice shirt and jeans and me overdressed in a skirt to show off my stocking clad legs, and a form fitting blouse that shows off my fake D cups.  As I look around the theater lobby, trying to think of any way out of spending two hours in a dark room next to a guy, holding hands and giving off the vibe that I don't want him to even think about kissing me, I see him.  Todd.  Todd whom I lied to about having to stay home tonight.  Todd, whom can make my life a living hell at work.  Todd, whom I have to impress at work!  Fuck, I can't let him see me here!  

Without thought I do the only thing I can, turning around and try to find an exit.  But as any gentleman would be, Roger is right behind me.  Looking up at him I see him smile down as he wraps his arms round me.  His voice is friendly and warm, even if I'd really rather be just about anywhere than in his arms "Hey babe, if you wanted to be close, you could have just asked!"  And then it happens.  He's coming in for a kiss.  I could turn away to avoid it if it weren't for Todd.  I could move away if it weren't for the.... my thoughts are stopped as Roger's lips press against mine.  I try to protest but his tongue enters my mouth as I open it, making my words come out more as a groan.   And as if the kiss weren't bad enough, I feel one of his hands reach lower and grip my ass.  As I try to push it away with just my butt I can't help but wonder if he really is a nice guy.    

It's fine.   It reads okay and if this were the way I was going to write it, I might add some first person narration like "...I just didn't know he saw that as a chance to kiss and see if I'd run."  But if I add in Roger's perspective, well it all changes.  Consider this continuing on from the above paragraphs, but indicating it's from Roger:

I just don't get Ann.  She accepted this date, but then acts like she'd be anywhere else.  She picked a restaurant and a move, then shows up dressed to the nines.  She stays close to me, but when I reach out to hold her hand she just turns away.  I guess I'll just enjoy the movie and then go home, letting her be.  It's not worth trying to have some fun or be romantic if she's not going to... whoa, and now she turns around and just looks up at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes.  

You know what, one more chance.  A quick joke so she knows what's coming and then a kiss.  If she pulls away I'll offer to end the date right now and take her home.   Okay, lets be witty as I hug her... "Hey babe, if you wanted to be close, you could have just asked!"  Now for the magic.  Leaning down I slowly and gently kiss her.  Not only does she accept our first kiss, she actually moans into it, pressing her body closer to mine.  She even lets me french kiss her!  Maybe she was just playing hard to get.  Let's see if she pulls away when I do this.  Drawing my arm down from her waist I place my hand on the curve of her beautiful ass in it's skin tight skirt.  Oh my God, not only does she not pull away, she pushes back into it.  She likes it!  

Now I can't wait to get into the dark theater where these other people won't get nervous.  She's obviously playing hard to get.  That's fine.  I'll chase her right into the theater and then give her the make out sessions he obviously wants... not taking no for an answer this time!  

Doesn't that just make it a little bit squirmier?  I mean, talk about being hoisted on your own petard!

The only problem I see is how to communicate this change in perspective.  Let's face it, in this genre there's already a problem of perspective when talking about a feminized man being kissed by another man.  Feminized man will consider himself 'him', man will consider himself 'him' but refer to feminized man as 'her'.  So him, him, and her is already muddying up the water.  And as the story proceeds, I'll tend to change the gender even in the first person, sometimes referring to themselves as 'he' and sometimes as 'she' to show their comfort level in the current situation.    So that's something to consider.  

Anyway, reading Nicegent42's stories made me remember some of my favorite stories involving being a secretary.  The obvious is the big interactive story 'Swimming in the Pool', but there are plenty on Fictionmania in the 'workplace situations' category.  And of course my love extends to D+X roleplaying that I've done for a decade as an Office Services girl, Office Services staff, and Office Services executive.  I've even delved into this fantasy in several caps.  So why not consider it as story fodder?  Well... the same reason that stops me a lot of the time from proceeding.  It's been done.  Done by others, done better, and even done by me.  For me to really enjoy it, I need a new angle.  A new way to approach it.  

Now I'm sure there are hundreds of variations that I haven't read.  But the majority of ones that sick with me are either 'boss changes junior to a girl and makes him his secretary' and 'wife/girlfriend/co-worker changes man into secretary to fool a boss'.   The first is an obvious 'power play' while the second is a 'good guy in disguise'.  Both well tread with a lot of variations.  Then last night, literally in a dream, it hit me.  Combine those two sub-fantasies.  

Woman wants to entrap a womanizing executive at her company.  She can't find a woman that could fit in and isn't known by the man, so she turns to a friend who jokingly but convincingly dressed up as a woman back in college for a prank.  She dresses him up, gets him officially hired as the guy's secretary and they plan to record a tit for tat demand for sex.  During the attempt though, while the guy is successfully pulling off the 'play as a secretary' game, he gets caught by the very man they're trying to entrap.  Not only does the man destroy the evidence, but uses his very employment status as blackmail him and the woman.  Blackmail the guy into remaining his secretary... sexy secretary now... and blackmail the woman into helping maintain the false front.  

I liked the idea enough in the dream that when I got up and it didn't flitter away like so many other dreams, I opened up MS Word and started writing.  The synopsis, going into far more detail, is a full two pages.  More than I normally put into a cap.  Then I follow that up with a page and a half of one line ideas I'd like to see fit in, like having him tricked/forced into taking hormones, tricked/forced into getting breast implants (or augmentation if the hormones give him breasts), sharing his apartment with someone that only knows him as a woman so he has to live this deception 24/7, meeting an old friend who doesn't recognize him but starts to aggressively pursue him for a date, and having an ex-girlfriend meet and not recognize him and they bond over the overly aggressive men they've had in the past... letting him see he acted similar to the vile man he works for.  

I even picked out names for the man, the woman, and the vile boss.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is going to be my next story.  The time travel one will wait.  Only one problem remains... how to end it.  I started writing 'Just Dance' with the idea that the story would end soon after the end of the competition.  That's not to say that I know HOW it would end, but that was the goal of the story, to get to that point and have a conclusion.  Maybe he/she stays a girl and happy, maybe he/she escapes the purgatory she's been living, maybe he/she gets roped into more of the same for the foreseeable future.  All are possibilities (and in all honesty even as close as I am to the end, all are STILL possibilities).  

The time travel story had a similar natural ending.  They get back to the 'present'.  But do they fix it?  Do they get back to their original bodies/minds?  Do they all get back?  Do they lose their chance to get back because on of their team sabotages it just to stay in a time they're far happier in?  it has an ending point that I could drive for and write the ending out that fits what I'd written before.  

This secretary story?  I don't have an ending.  I'd be writing and writing and writing and hoping that an ending presents itself.  That's not going to stop me from pegging it as my next story, but it's something I want worked out before I start writing more.  

Lemme know what you think... does the story sound different enough to capture your interest?  

Oh, and one little thing I'm finding out about myself.  I always refer to our art as TG.  Forced TG specifically because I'm more often than not playing with someone forced to change their gender.  But the more I lean into my own queerness, the more labels mean to me.  And outside of a few caps and stories, I'm not writing TG as in Trans Gendered.  I'm not even really writing about a true change in gender.  I'm writing more specifically about feminization and emasculation.  A guy being 'forced' to present himself as a woman.  Sometimes with technological assistance, sometimes with just cross dressing and styling... but it still doesn't come anywhere near changing genders or Trans Gender.  That's not to say I don't enjoy other people's TG or even avoid it in my own writing... but I believe my true North of writing is Forced Feminization.  This doesn't really change anything on your end.  If you liked what I wrote before, then you'll like what I continue to write, but I thought it would only be fair to share where I'm coming from.  


  1. As someone who reads a lot of forced feminization fiction, stumbling on nicegent this past summer was a fun ride. Also never heard of RH Music before this post and was not disappointed. Feel free to drop more recs

    1. The only two that come to mind that I specifically look out for new material from are Jenna Corso and RHMusic. RHMusic's House Training (oddly, written 20 years ago this year!) is one of my top favorites while may of Jenna's stories have scenes that I'll read over and over again.

  2. Oddly enough, CHYOA (or rather but it's the same premise of interactive TG stories) is where I got my start, before TG caps, before my long-form stories, I started out posting chapters in interactive CYOA stuff. I still post in a few from time to time to keep my creative juices flowing or if I have writer's block. Nicegent42 is a gifted author, not everything they do is my particular cup of tea, but they're really good.

    And I've got some insider info, Girlfriend's Daughter is (if not based on) partially inspired by a story called "The Cougar's Daughter" that was posted in one of my early anthologies (I wrote a few chapters for it, but I wasn't the one who came up with the prompt nor the earliest chapters)
    Thought you might fancy reading it if you haven't already, although with how paywalled is now I'm not sure you'll be able to.

    1. I've read a bit and yeah, I can certainly see the similarities. It's funny how one story can inspire another that can inspire another that can inspire another... it's a long rabbit hole to run down!

  3. Howdy,
    I'm nicegent42 and I want to thank you for reading my work and talking about it :)
    Valilla Thunder is right I got the idea from this story from Cougar's Daughter, I loved that story and it felt like a shame it died off.
    The story Girlfriend's Daughter is long, but at this point I am on Book 3 of the series.

    To answer a few things you said above. English is my first language, so no translator. But I also was a poor student and my writing suffers for it. I hope as I write more I have gotten better (I am trying). Getting an editor hasn't worked out, I tend to write often and I can't afford to pay anyone for the task. What money I have made off my stories all goes to the artists I use for some of my stories and are the main artists I use.

    If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to reach out. Lastly Caitlyn, I love your work. Thank you for your captions, your stories and overall sharing them with us.

    1. Hey Nicegent42!!! I'm so happy and excited that you'd stop by and comment here!

      I'm sorry if the comments about your writing came across as mean spirited. It wasn't intended that way. And now that you mention it, I've noticed a big improvement between Jordan's Job and Diversity Hire (I'd add Girlfriend's Daughter, but I'm not even halfway done with it). I'm just glad that you're writing and sharing your work as it's really good storytelling! When I saw scene 17 of Diversity come up on CHYOA I actually squealed out loud!

      Anyway, I hope to continue reading your work and am honored that you've read mine. BTW, you might see in my most recent 'Tumblr Reject' post the 'Boy Wonder' story is inspired by a scene in one of your stories. I don't want to ruin the story by mentioning it, but the gist is certainly from you.

  4. You didn't come across mean spirited at all, I know I'm not a professional, it still amazes me people like what I write. But I will tell you this, I love what you write :)
    Vanilla Thunder commented above and I'm also a fan of them
