Wednesday, May 1, 2013

TG Superhero Role Playing!?!

I've got just the game for you!
So as many of you know, I like to role play.  I played Dungeons and Dragons for years when I was younger.  Our campaigns got really intense and lasted for a long time.  We even had a set of characters that we played from level one all the way into Godhood.  Later campaigns even featured characters that were clerics, priests and paladins to these Gods.

So naturally when I came into my own as Caitlyn, I started role playing again.  My first foray into TG based role playing was in a couple of Medallion of Zulo games over at Rachel's Haven. This led me into trying out some IM based role playing with friends.  And then eventually to me playing over at D+X.

Lately I've dropped back from role playing as much.  I 'retired' my main D+X character 'Miss Caitlyn'.  This was part of my broader pulling back from being Caitlyn as it just took over to much of my time.

That being said, I've come across a new and incredibly intriguing role playing game.  Angel is in the process of developing an adult TG Super Hero role playing game.  That basic premise as I understand it is that your character will start off as a man.  When he gains his 'super powers' he'll transform into a woman.  Characters will be based on current female superheros from various universes (DC and Marvel primarily).

I have to be honest... I thought long and hard about joining up myself.  And the only reason I'm not going to play is that I can see this being so fun that it will again take over my day.  Between reading caps and stories, making caps, maintaining my blog, and my current role playing activities at D+X, I already spend too many hours a day being Caitlyn.  Adding in a new role playing scenario would ensure that I'd spend days at a time lost in this feminine world.  And while that's apealing, it also doesn't help me advance my Calvin life.

But if you have any interest in playing you should head over to either Angel's blog to read up on the idea, or directly to the forum she set up to play at.  It sounds like an absolute blast!

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