Saturday, April 17, 2021

Writing problems with 'Just Dance'

A new story... maybe?

I wrote back in 'Santa Brought his Baby Back' that I was working on a new story.  Well, that was back in December and I have made some progress... but not as much as I thought I would have.  There are several contributing factors to my slow writing, and I tried to write a post about it, but got bogged down in that.  

I started it on my other blog and decided since it's about the process and not necessarily the product, I'd leave it there.  But once I published it, I thought it might have some interest over here.  I don't share any of the actual writing, but I do talk about the story, the direction, how I'm getting there, and include several images I use as inspiration.  

If that in particular or writing in general is something you're interested in, you might want to head on over and read that post.  If you don't find any of that interesting and are just waiting for the next cap/obscura/fable... sorry, it's going to be awhile longer.  

Click here to head on over to Calvin's Musings and read about my new story 'Just Dance'


  1. Any follow up on this story? I love plots where the character has to stay incognito and is also reluctant to proceed but is pushed by others to keep the deception up or else.

    1. I'm still working on it Scarlett. It's slow going but it's moving forward. Since I wrote this... geez, six months ago, the story has doubled in size. My two biggest enemies are distraction and mood.

      Mood is obvious. I really only have time to write on the weekends. I want a good three to four hour window in case I get into a groove and can make actual progress. Weekdays/nights just don’t offer me that. And if I have a busy weekend or am just not in the mood… no writing.

      Distraction come in all kinds of forms. I’m currently on an important scene both story wise and sex wise. The dance troupe is in Chicago and are asked/made to go to a dance club to help generate interest in them. Well, when I first wrote that I wanted to reference a real club. I could have just gone with the name of a real club, but I wanted to see pics of their interior. That way if I wrote about a particular setting… the bar, the balcony, the stage… I could keep the location as in character as I do my heroin. Yeah, you probably guessed it… I spent hours researching dance clubs in Chicago.

      So… follow up? It’s still going. I can hope for a holiday finish but it’s more likely this will be in later winter or even early spring. I have to finish writing it out, then go through it with a cold hearted pen and re-write the entire thing. Scenes will be removed, scenes will be trimmed, details will need to change to remain consistent, and details will even need to be added to help the theme move along. Story wise, I think I’m about 2/3 the way through. Maybe…. MAYBE… ¾ of the way through.
