A call to all who can support!
*NOTE* This post was unpublished on July 5, 2022 because it violated Blogger policy. Specifically they said "Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy." I haven't changed this since it was originally posted so I have no idea where this problem came from. To try and keep it up I removed all links. If this doesn't work, I'll delete then re-upload the graphics as well.
Issue #5
I'm actually a little late to the party as submissions have to be in by January 15, 2013. But luckily I had a spurt of creativity this morning that I turned into an 11 panel kinetic text cap. As always, this cap will be exclusive to the Haven Quarterly so if you have any desire to see it you'll just have to get a copy for yourself.
I'll update this post with a link to purchase it as soon as it's available. In the meantime you can read below about the amazing previous issues.
If you are a cap artist and a fan of Rachel's Haven, you still have time to make a cap and submit it for use in the Haven Quarterly. Just remember that while it must remain exclusive to the eZine (i.e. you can't post your submission to your blog or elsewhere on the web), you will get that warm and fuzzy feeling you get from helping out a great community! You can read up more on how to submit a cap here!
Issue #4
I've made three submissions for this one. One was done with 'Under 140 Characters' in mind, one was part of the "One Pic, Many Cappers" series, and the last was a longer one done in my Kinetic Text style. But I'm not the only contributing artists that you'll want to check out.
The artists contributing exclusive material to the eZine are: Alectra, Alexia, Annabelle Raven, Anne Oni Mouse, Bren, Courtney, Dani Colorado, Dementia, Diane D, Erin, Gingersnap, Jennifer, Kaitlyn, Lady Victoria Hyde, Lurker, Martha, Master Caster, Mistress Simone, Nadine, Playin Petra, Proarchangel (Chrissy), Sarine Davis, Sci-fi Kara, Shysteffie, Tamara, Terri, Totalditz (Ashlee), Wraithstrike and myself.

Not sold on the idea yet? Well here's a special treat. The table of contents.
If seeing these artists and the titles of their contributions doesn't get you excited enough to donate and get your own copy... well then you're just dead inside and enjoy watching kittens cry. See that kitten over there? She's starting to tear up right now just because you're hesitating! All kittens WILL cry if you don't indulge your curiosity and check out some of the best that the TG capping community has to offer all while helping Rachel's Haven!
In Summary:
Click here to get your copy and stop the kittens from crying!
Issue #3

The third issue of the Haven Quarterly is now out!
After reading through the majority of caps and stories inside, I have to say I am thoroughly satisfied. There is honestly something here for everyone that has any crossdressing/tranformation/transgender desires.
The complete list of contributing artists:
Alectra, Alexia, Annabelle, Argus, Bren, Davewashere, Dementia, Elly, Erin, Jennifer, JPL, Kaitlyn, Martha, Master Caster, Mistress Simone, Nadine, One Eyed Pirate, Playin Petra, Rediqulaz, Sarine Davis, Sci-Fi Kara, Smitty, Steffiemariechen, Terri, Totalditz, Victoria Hyde, and myself.
This edition was compiled and edited by:
Jillisa - Story Editor
Petra - Coordination, Production, and Promotions
Steffie - Editor in Chief
And if that list of contributors doesn't get you excited, then I guess you are just at the wrong place! Everyone worked hard, and pulled out some great material. When I got my copy I intended on it being just a quick looksee so that I could write a bit up about it here, but I just couldn't put it down.
So after getting all moist in the panties, what do you need to do to get your own copy? That's easy, just donate $10 ($25 gets you a copy, and two more for some friends!) to Rachel's Haven, then send Rachel a PM, letting her know the donation came from you. Yes, you do need to be a member of Rachel's Haven to get this, but membership is free and you get to see so many caps and cap artists that you should be a member there anyway.
More information and payment options can be found by clicking here!
Issue #2
So the new issue of the Haven Quarterly out! From everything I've read, this sounds like it will be as impressive as the last issue.
Some key differences though:
1) Issue number 2 is quite a bit longer (around 70 pages, compared to 38 for issue number 1!).
2) Issue number 2 has an 'X-PLICIT' section. What does that mean? That means it will include X rated caps and above!
The list of contributing artists is in a word... Impressive!
Alectra, Ashley M, Dalene, Dementia, Entrancing Kayla, Jennifer, JPL Debi, Kaitlyn, Madcap McGee, Martha, Mistress Simone, Nadine, One eyed Pirate, Playin Petra, Rhianna Nichole, Sammie, Sarine Davis, Sci-Fi Kara, Shysteffie, Smitty, Terri, Total Ditz, Victoria Hyde, and myself!
And just as I would like to celebrate the artists, there are the people behind the scenes.
- Shysteffie Editor in Chief
- Jillisa - Proof Reader
- Kaitlyn - Proof Reader
- Petra - Coordination, Production, and Promotions
How do you get this wonderful issue? The full information is available by clicking here. But in short, you can donate $10 and get a copy. You can donate $25 and get THREE copies. You can donate through paypal, or even via US Mail (snail mail).
The issues officially just came out, so I can't give you a review yet, but if it is ANYTHING like Issue #1, then it is SO worth it. And if you want to know my opinion on Issue #1, read below for the post I wrote about it!
Issue #1
I wanted to give a shout out for a great cause.
Many who read my blog are aware that I got my start in capping at Rachel's Haven. This community hosts many artists creating caps of all kinds and sorts. It is a place that encourages people to explore their fantasies and share them with others. It is both a loving AND supporting community.
Like any large community there are costs involved. Rachel hasn't had an easy time as of late, and the costs are building up quickly. So several members got together and offered the idea of a eMagazine. This would be exclusive material from artists at the Haven. The turnout of artists has been impressive, and the magazine turned out to be almost 40 pages of work that you cannot see anywhere else.
And the asking price? A mere $10. Now I've donated to the Haven before, and I can honestly say that if you are part of that community, donating to it is the only responsible thing to do. So giving $10 to Rachel's Haven is a good investment all by itself. But now, that $10 donation includes this fine fine magazine.
Looking at the list of contributors is looking at a list of whos-who in the TG capping community. Dementia, Jennifer, Kaitlyn, Martha, Nadine, Playin Petra, RhiannaNicole, MistressSimone, Sissytif, Smitty, Steffie, Terri, totalditz, and myself. I donated a cap series (Sorority Scavenger Hunt) that will remain exclusive to the magazine. Every cap I've made in the past is available here and/or at the Haven, but I will never publish this one. If you want to see it, pony up the cash and have at it, along with all the other great caps, stories, profiles, and so on.
And let me tell you... everyone's contribution is top notch. From cover to back page, this is eMag is full of impressive work!
How do you go about donating you ask? It is simplicity itself. Simply go here and read all about the magazine and see all the donation options. Paypall is the easiest, but there is also donations by mail available.
And as an added bonus, the first 50 people to order this eMag are getting a cap from Smitty!
So lets cover this ground again. A donation of $10 gets you:
- The satisfaction of helping one of the greatest if not THE greatest TG capping communities ever.
- An eMagazine chock full of exclusive content including a cap series from me.
- And if you are amongst the first 50, a customized cap from Smitty
Honestly, I don't know why you are still here reading this post. If its a cost issue, then don't buy that Starbucks double espresso light foam decaff frapachino for the next few days and there you have your $10. Or wait until those cute heels go on sale, saving you $10. Look under the cushions of the couch for change, borrow a 10 spot from a friend, mug someone, go work on the corner for an extra few minutes... anything!!!
You will not be disappointed!
Well said, Caitlyn. That reminds me, I need to head to the corner...uh corner store that is...I've got to pick up some marks...uh milk. Yeah, on my way to the ol' corner store to get a thick load of milk...
ReplyDeleteGolly Caitlyn, you make this offer sound so good. I want to run out and donate again ;)
ReplyDeleteOh and I have to say that Smitty is bringing the good stuff with the custom cap offer. The humor and sexiness and "Smittyness" has been off the charts for all the free caps that have been dished out so far.
Finally, if you are here looking at all of Caitlyn's amazing work you should know that the piece she has in the magazine is wonderful, smart, fun and beautiful. You know what she can do, so her entry alone is worth the price of admission. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
Reading the list of contributors was like reading an issue of Playboy!
ReplyDeleteLoved the third edition. Congrats.
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued, but I thought if you joined Rachel's Haven you had to commit to creating a certain number of caps. I don't know how to make caps and wouldn't want to commit to something I can't do.
Hugs &'kisses,
As an Admin at Rachel's Haven, I want to tell you that there are no requirements to join the Haven.
DeleteIf you wish to enter the galleries, you need to make 50 comments/posts or 10 captions. However, there are THOUSANDS of captions in the trading area so that most people are lurkers more than anything.
The 50 comments can be comments like you make here in our blogs on captions, role play posts, real life things like crossdressing or supporting those who are transitioning, or even those silly quizes like "which Simpsons character are you?"
However, I would say that 97 percent of the Haven is open to everyone who joins. We run things like these "Haven Quarterly" events to raise money to keep the site going. Hosting an "adult" site keeps rising and we hope that some of these "exclusive captions and stories" are worth it enough for people to keep supporting our site!
Dee's right... being a member at the Haven doesn't mean you have to make a single cap. Heck, you don't even HAVE to comment (although comments are always appreciated)... you can simply browse through what's available to new members and lose entire days looking at all the wonderful caps.
DeleteIf you DO make those 50 comments/posts though you'll get access the galleries and see a more cohesive grouping of caps. Many artists (myself included) post all of their caps to their own gallery there.
Plus the Haven is a very supportive community. If you wanted to try to make a cap you'll find plenty of people that can help you with the graphics and/or story side of cap making.