Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One Lie Leads To Another

until a liar is caught in a web of deceit...

What’s that old proverb?  “One lie leads to another to keep the previous lie covered, until a liar is caught in a web of deceit that destroys his soul and reputation.”  If only we hadn’t lied that first night.  Sarah thought it would be a blast if we dressed up as a bride and groom for her sorority costume party, and to make it a laugh I’d go as the bride.  I guess she did too good of a job on making me look like a blushing bride as no one at the party was in costume and no one thought I was a guy in drag.  Sarah was embarrassed enough about her faux pas that we didn’t tell anybody.  

But at the next party her new sisters insisted she bring her red headed friend Caitlyn.  She could have always said no, but that might have been admitting that Caitlyn was a lie.  That time took more preparation as I didn’t have a bridal gown to hide behind.   Shaving, makeup, breastforms, and a cute sweater and skirt set had everybody fooled.  But the lie got deeper.  We didn’t want any of the guys at the party hitting on me so Caitlyn suddenly got a fictional boyfriend.  At the next gathering all the girls wanted to know all about this mystery man, and since neither Sarah nor I wanted to bring anybody else into this lie we gave a fictional end to Caitlyn’s fictional boyfriend.  Unfortunately that lead to a girls night out to the Chippendales show… I’ll never get the memory of a guy rubbing his barely covered cock up against my arm for as long as I live. 

That led to the sisters helping Caitlyn find a new beau.  Sarah insisted on keeping up the masquerade so that lead to Caitlyn going out on a date.  The lie about not liking Chad lead to a different guy.  Then another.  Sarah’s lie about not having a boyfriend led us to start going out on double dates.  When Sarah and Caitlyn were hooked up with two of the sister’s brothers we couldn’t just turn them down… so now Sarah has a fake boyfriend and so does Caitlyn.   When our fellas wanted to have sex Sarah lied about us being on our periods.  That lie led me to kneeling down next to Sarah as we each fellated our guys.

After coming to terms that my boyfriend loves how I suck cock I was almost happy when his particularly amorous hand slipped into my panties and found the original lie.  But Sarah was there and refused to admit to anything.  Even my tears of frustration were a lie as everybody there assumed it was relief.  The lie was insidious… Caitlyn was transitioning into womanhood.  And it turns out my boyfriend wasn’t only accepting of it, he liked girls with ‘a little extra’. That lie also led to my boyfriend buying my hormone regimen and even helping with my daily injections. 

When my boyfriend’s sister’s marriage ceremony came up Sarah and I were naturally asked to be bride’s maids.  The wedding brought out romance in everybody.  I added another lie as I acted excited at the news… Sarah accepted her fiancé’s proposal.  Next year I’ll be her maiden of honor.   As I button up my elegant bride’s maids gown I no longer need the breast forms…. My boyfriend just loves caressing and licking my cute budding breasts.  I had lied about never having sex, but that will lead to tonight.  While the bride is taken into her honeymoon sweet by her groom, while Sarah is taken into her room by her fiancé, I’ll be taken into my room by my boyfriend.  He’s promised to be gentle when he takes my virginity.


source:  Lingerie Heaven


  1. Great writing once again! You took a relatively common theme and with superb writing turned it into a great little story! I really enjoyed following Caitlyn's path. :)

    1. Awww thanks Erin! I probably took this to far for an Obscura and of course it would never fit in as a cap, but it's one of my favorite themes. A good guy sinking deeper and deeper into femininity just to help someone out. And of course lies and living with the after affects of those lies is a fun trope too!

    2. And then, of course, it comes true... and she isn't exactly complaining!
